New! Hourly Data on SmartHub!

SmartHub, Emerald People's Utility District's (EPUD's) account management system, provides you with 24-hour access to your account(s). It's a quick and easy way to view and pay your bill, report an outage, and track your electric usage—all from the palm of your hand or from your computer!

Hourly Data

This month, we're excited to announce hourly data on SmartHub! It's the newest feature made available to most customers through EPUD's ongoing system upgrade project.

Hourly data is an important tool for those looking to save energy and money. Simply log in to SmartHub to learn what day of the week or hour of the day you typically use the most energy. Finding patterns in your electric use makes it easier to manage your energy dollars and identify ways to lower your bill.

Access SmartHub or download the free SmartHub app on iTunes or Android Marketplace.